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Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

My Life

My Life

My name is Agus Setiawan, I come from Banyuwangi. I was born in Banyuwangi on September 8, 1991. I am the youngest of two brothers. My mother had passed away since I was 5 years old. From the little I just stayed with my dear father and a sister. Sometimes I feel jealous of the friend, my friend who had a complete family. But I still feel very happy because they still have a father, rather than the other children who do not have both parents. I also have many friends who always fill the my day. My friends can always make me laugh when grief strikes. It all makes hope to continue progressing towards a better and unyielding in the face of difficulties that come up.
I have a history of education from childhood to the present are as follows: I begin to occupy bench school since the age of 6 years in TK Khadijah 80 Kesilir, graduated from the kindergarten I went to school at SDN 5 Kesilir which has now merged into one school with SDN 2 Kesilir. Since sitting dibangku Primary School I began to discover the potential that I have. When the value of UAN was announced, I obtained the first rank schools and rank third in the District. Graduated from elementary school, junior high school I went to one of my favorites in the area, which is SMP N 1 Siliragung. When junior high I do not really develop the potential and is only just stable.
After graduating from junior high school I went on SMAN 1 Bangorejo. In here I began to lay more potential I have. I joined members of the Intra School Students Organization (OSIS) at school. And as I sat in the second grade, I was elected as chairman of the council the period 2009/2010. I have always been actively following active in school activities and extra curricular activities at school. I attended extra curricular Scientific Works of Youth (KIR). And when the race of scientific work at the district level, I gained a champion of hope. In addition, I also became one of the representatives of the school follows the National Science Olympiad (OSN). My graduation was ranked the top 3 high schools in the UAN my school.
After graduating high school I went to one school Favorite State University, the State University of Jember through SNMPTN. In here I chose the Faculty of Agriculture, majoring Agroteknologi and alhamdulillah I have the scholarship. I chose Faculty of Agriculture, because I wanted to develop the agricultural potential in my area that have not been able to produce the maximum agricultural production. I also Faculty participated in one of my student organization that is PEKA (Reasoning and Science).
Before entering college, I also worked in my spare time while waiting for the announcement is received at the university. I work at one of the plantations of coffee, cocoa, and rubber in the area where I lived for 2 weeks. After that move to work in a restaurant owned by Chinese people for 1 month. During the work I have many friends and also the experience.
After graduating from college I wanted to build his career by working on plantations or in the Department of Agriculture in the area I live. Then I will develop a small business selling seeds of crops such as fruit, selling seeds of ornamental plants, mushroom cultivation, cultivation of catfish and others. In addition, I also wanted to be a successful young enterpreanur.

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